
Anti-Dance Away!

High School Dances are just one of those things that people always look back on. Whether they're remembered fondly or with disgust, everyone's supposed to go to and experience them at some point. In movies, high school dances are shown as extremely dramaful. It's the ultimate opportunity for X boy to ask out X girl! The night that the main character's dream will finally come true! Or in the case of Prom Night, it's the event that spirals into a hotel murder scene. All very exciting. But in reality, high school dances are nothing like that at all. To me, they've always been pretty... I don't want to say boring, but pretty not that fun. Not unenjoyable, but just alright(sorry to offend anyone who does like them).

Since it's Senior Year and most of my friends have also gotten over the High School Dance phase, we decided to start a little something. It started out as a joke, but I guess the name has stuck: "Anti-Dance" parties. On the night of every school dance, my friends and I get together at someone's house to be as loud and ridiculous as we want. We do it in part because it's 100 times more fun than a night spent at the dance, but also because we'd feel pretty lame staying home on a Friday night. The Anti-Dance parties are for all the things we can't do during the busy school week. So when the opportunity comes up, it's all about the movies, card games, hot-tubbing, and DDR... And of course, snacks are always provided.

Christine on Guitar Hero!

Dance Dance Revolution! (None of us are very good at it though...)

An intense game of Wii Duck Hunting.

Lazing around...

And sure, you can share sleeping bags, too.