
Vacant Lot

Outside my house there's this vacant lot across the street. Or actually, it's not really a vacant lot. There are trees -- lots of them, and tall grass that's slightly itchy when you walk through it. When I moved to my house in Burlingame, I thought it was weird that there was this pathetic little forest growing in the middle of a residential area. But over time, I've become glad that it's there. Sometimes you have to relocate yourself around the growth on the trees, or adjust where you're sitting so pointy bits of wood aren't poking you in the leg. But once you've gotten comfortable, it's very relaxing. Just enough light peeks through the trees, and unlike certain places in the city, you can actually see the sky when it's blue.

I go there when I want to get out of my room, when I'm frustrated, or whenever I could use some time for myself. I consider it to be my own personal space, even though technically, I'm standing on someone else's property. Whose, I'm still not sure yet(it might be the next door neighbor, who is apparently the grandson of some famous movie director). But whoever owns the lot either hasn't noticed or is very nice, because so far no one's come to kick me out. Now though, I'm dreading the day when someone will come and take it all away, and replace the trees and grass with a big fat swimming pool. Well, a swimming pool wouldn't be so bad, actually. Only I feel it'd be a little more obvious when I'm "borrowing" it.

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